How to Identify Your Interior Design Style.

Identify your interior design style with these 4 easy steps!

It can feel overwhelming to know where to start when designing your home, a room, or any average space –– but I’m here for ya! Take a deep breath, read on, and be inspired. There’s an easy way to do this, I promise.

1. Consider your favorite colors and textures.

This might seem weird, but hear me out: think about moments when you’ve felt peace, calm, happiness, inspiration. Now –– consider the space you were in. Were you surrounded by bursts of bright, bold color; or were you in a room with neutral tones, lots of light, and muted colors and textures?

Think about what colors you’re drawn to. Think about whether or not you like just one solid, uniform, and clean texture, or if you love multiple layers and varieties.

2. Hop on Pinterest to identify your interior design style.

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Pinterest is an amazing space to find what appeals to your tastes. If you’re feeling lost about nailing down your style, do a simple “home decor” search in Pinterest and scroll through.

In the last step, you figured out what colors and textures you’re drawn to, so you can use that to narrow down your search as well. Whatever photos appeal to you (whether it’s because of colors, textures, shapes, decor, furniture, etc.), save them to look at again later.

Continue saving, even if photos don’t feel like they are necessarily “cohesive” or of a similar feel or style. Right now, you just want to get an idea for what’s calling your name!

3. Determine what aspects you’re drawn to.

Take a look at the photos you’ve saved. Even if they might vary in overall design, you might see aspects of parts of them that you like.

Look closely: in any particular photo, what do you like? The furniture? If so, what is it that you like about it? The color? The shape of it? How about the walls? Do the photos you like usually have walls covered in bold wallpaper and designs, or are they more subdued and minimal? Work through aspects of the photo.

Last step: in the photo/s, what don’t you like? Think about why.

4. Identify your interior design style!

Ok, ok. Easier said than done, right?

This step takes time, and even after going through all your exploration of color and texture, you might still feel lost.

However, the process of narrowing down your likes and dislikes will help you to then begin seeing a pattern of your design style.

Go back to photos on Pinterest that you loved a lot: the ones where most aspects were appealing to you. Many of them will usually link to a blog or will be titled with the interior design style that it reflects.

You can also Google interior design styles, spend time looking through, and find the one that you’re drawn to the most!

Remember styles don’t need to box you in. Feel free to mix elements you love, until you curate the home you love!

xo, Rach


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