How to Remove Vertical Blinds for a Brighter Home.

Need to know how to remove vertical blinds? You’re in the right place!

One of the best hacks for apartment living is to make your space brighter and eliminate anything that feels clunky. Vertical blinds are super common in apartments and can feel extremely outdated and light-blocking. Here’s how you can remove them and replace them with beautiful curtains instead!


1. Wipe down and clean each blind/panel.

These are going to be stored away until you’re ready to put them back, so give them a good clean! Wipe down with warm, soapy water or regular household cleaner.

2. Remove vertical blinds using a credit card.

The blinds are usually attached with a plastic clip –– these can break easily if you’re not careful, so be cautious and go slow. Use a credit card or something flat and sturdy to slide underneath each clip and release the blind. Pull down and out, gently.

3. Store the blinds away and remove the track and brackets.

Stack the blinds on top of each other and tape the ends to keep them all together in storage. Do not fold or bend the blinds when you store, or they’ll easily damage.

Next, remove the brackets that hold up the main track of the blinds. This is very easy to do –– just make sure you are in a position (or have a friend around) to catch the track when it is off the wall.

4. Now put up some curtains!

Replace those vertical blinds with some sheer curtains to let in some light and open up your space. Use a level, stud finder, and drill to install a curtain rod bracket.

Buy this Umbra curtain rod here.

look at the difference!


Something as simple as removing vertical blinds can be so impactful on a small space. Let me know if you give it a try!

xo, rachlv.

p.s. see more rental and interior design hacks here!


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