Loop Living // Why You Need This Planter

This is a paid review and ambassadorship with Loop Living and their hanging planter. All opinions are my own.

Girl in bohemian-style bedroom with boho hat, standing near bed and holding watering can below hanging planter.

Can you relate to that horrible twenty minutes you spend trying to maneuver your plant pot back into its macrame or hanging planter contraption? I can. I almost had a total meltdown over it because getting your plant (especially a trailing plant) back into a hanging planter can be the most stress-inducing experience ever.

Loop Living is fixing that, with a design you’ll never (yes, never) have to take off of the wall to water. Let me share more with ya:

A planter you’ll never have to take off the wall.

Loop Living planters come with a dish below that catches all excess water and uses a simple self-watering mechanism to either 1) store extra water until your plant needs it, or 2) bottom water your plant. You’ll never have to take your plant off the wall again! No crazy maneuvering. No meltdowns. (Whew).

Close up of Loop Living hanging planter.
Side angle of girl watering plant in Loop Living planter.
Close up of planter bottom water catcher.

Made of aluminum, so no broken ceramic or heavy planters.

The sleek and modern design of Loop Living products makes you think they’re heavy and extremely durable. Durable? Absolutely. Heavy? Nope.

The lightweight material keeps these planters safe and the perfect option for pets and children (who may like to knock things over, whether on the wall or on the ground).

Medium of girl sitting on accent chair.
Overhead view of hanging planter.

Easy-peasy to install.

It took me about three minutes to install this. Each Loop Living hanging planter comes with a sturdy wall anchor and an easy twist-in screw that fits perfectly into the angled wall dowel. Easily the simplest installation, ever.

Close up of wooden dowel mount of hanging planter.

See for yourself:

A planter that’s easy to love.

I know many more Loop Living products are going to fill my home over time. They’re the perfect solution for SO many issues that we can face as plant parents. Beautiful, modern, simple, durable, good to your plant, and easy to install –– what more could you ask for?

Do you want your own? (I bet you do!). Click here to shop Loop Living and get 10% off your first order 🤍🌿

Girl sitting on chair looking down.

xo, rachlv.


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