4 things that saved our relationship –– in one simple blog post.
Any kind of relationship is difficult, because we as humans are difficult. Personalities, habits, and differences can all create conflict. BUT, after four years of being together and a few months of marriage, my husband and I have finally gotten into a rhythm of intentionality and balance. Here are 4 things that have saved our relationship time and time again, and still do.

1. Spending time apart
Imagine our shock when we learned that in order to love each other better, we actually needed to spend time apart!
We designate three days a week as date nights, but the freedom to use the rest of the week as our own personal care days or time with friends has been essential to keeping us connected. Intentionality and consistency is key.

2. Fighting
The worst place you can be in is complacency. Once you no longer find a need to fight for your relationship, fight in it, or fight for the other person, you’re in a dangerous place.
Too often I found myself here, and Gino would continue to remind me that the disagreements, the communication, and the conversations, even when painful, were necessary for growth.

3. Counseling
Forget this societal belief that you only go to counseling when you have problems — counseling helped revealed conversations we NEEDED to have that we never would have had without it.
Seeking counseling, mentor ship, and the objective perspective of someone who has more experience and wisdom is one of the best things we ever did for our relationship.

4. Vulnerability
Being upfront about our personal failures, struggles, addictions, bad habits, and much more were actually what kept us honest and reliant on each other.
When we chose to be vulnerable, we chose each other. Deeper love and deeper trust came from being honest in our humanness.

xo, rachlv.
p.s. for more marriage content, click here.